Introduction: pre-post and diff-in-diff

Causal impact assessment workshop


Erik-Jan van Kesteren & Oisín Ryan

This is the first practical, where we introduce the dataset and we use it to create pre-post and diff-in-diff estimates for the causal effect of the California proposition 99 policy intervention.

You can use your preferred way of working in R to do the practicals. Our preferred way is this:


The answers to each exercise are available as a collapsed code block. Try to work out the answer yourself before looking at this code block!

In all practicals in this workshop, we make extensive use of the tidyverse set of packages. You can load these packages like so:


In this practical, we will also use the following two packages:


The data

We will be using the proposition99 dataset that we introduced in the lecture. We have prepared the dataset for you to download here. It is an rds file, which is a convenient, portable, and fast binary file format for R.

Exercise 1

Download the dataset and save it in a nice location, e.g., a raw_data folder inside your R project.

Exercise 2

Load the dataset in R using the tidyverse function read_rds(). Give the dataset the name prop99. Then, inspect the first few rows of the data.

# read the dataset to a variable called prop99
prop99 <- read_rds("raw_data/proposition99.rds")

# inspect the first few rows
Exercise 3

Using filter(). group_by(), summarize(), and arrange(), find out which state had the highest average retail price of a box of cigarettes before 1988.

# read the dataset to a variable called prop99
prop99 |> 
  filter(year < 1988) |> 
  group_by(state) |> 
  summarize(price = mean(retprice)) |> 

Pre-post estimator

In this section, you will estimate the causal effect of the policy using the pre-post estimator. For this, you need to select only California from the data, then create a factor variable for the pre and post period, and then use linear regression to estimate the causal effect.

Exercise 4

Use filter() to select only California from the dataset and use mutate() to create a pre-post indicator variable called prepost. Remember: include the year 1988 in the pre-period. Make sure your prepost variable is of the type factor. Assign the result to a variable called prop99_cali.

# create the pre-post dataset
prop99_cali <- 
  prop99 |> 
  filter(state == "California") |> 
  mutate(prepost = factor(year > 1988, labels = c("Pre", "Post"))) 

In the lecture, we chose to include 12 years before and after the intervention. In this practical, we will use only 5 years before and after the intervention for our effect estimate.

Exercise 5

Use filter() to include data between 1984 and 1993. Then, use linear regression (lm()) to estimate the effect of the proposition 99 intervention, then use summary on the fitted model object to look at the estimate. Is this effect different from the one estimated in the lecture?

# fit the model with 5 years pre and post
fit_prepost <- lm(
  formula = cigsale ~ prepost, 
  data = prop99_cali |> filter(year > 1983, year < 1994)

# investigate the effect

# the effect estimated in this way is -27.020
# this is much smaller than in the lecture!

In the lecture, we did not correct the inference (p-value) for potential autocorrelation. We can do this with the function coeftest() on our fitted model object.

Exercise 6

Use coeftest() to correct the inference using heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) standard errors (pass the vcovHAC function from the sandwich package to the .vcov argument). Is the pre-post causal effect significantly different from 0?

coeftest(fit_prepost, vcov. = vcovHAC)

# The standard error is a little bigger
# (it is now 5.29 versus 4.34 before)
# but the effect is still significant at 
# the 5% level. (p < .001)

Difference-in-differences estimator

In this section, we select a suitable control state to perform a diff-in-diff estimate of the causal effect of the policy intervention. In this section, you will not choose Utah as a control state as in the lectures, but one of the following states:

  • Nevada
  • Montana
  • Colorado

Here are the data plots for these three states:

# Diff-in-diff time series figure
prop99 |> 
  filter(state %in% c("California", "Nevada", "Montana", "Colorado")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = cigsale, colour = state)) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1988, lty = 2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("orange", "#AA8888",  "#88AA88","#8888AA")) +
  annotate("label", x = 1988, y = 150, label = "Intervention") +
  labs(title = "Panel data for California three potential control states",
       y = "Cigarette sales", x = "Year", colour = "")

Exercise 7

Create a dataset called prop99_did which includes California and your chosen control state. As before, create a prepost variable and include only the 5 years before and after the intervention.

# prepare the did data
prop99_did <- 
  prop99 |> 
    state == "California" | state == "Nevada", 
    year > 1983, year < 1994
  ) |> 
  mutate(prepost = factor(year > 1988, labels = c("Pre", "Post"))) |> 
Exercise 8

Now, estimate the causal effect using the difference-in-differences estimator. For this, use the formula cigsale ~ state * prepost in the lm() function. Investigate the estimated effect using HAC standard errors as before. How big is the causal effect of the policy intervention and is this effect significantly different from 0?

# fit the model with 5 years pre and post
fit_did <- lm(
  formula = cigsale ~ state * prepost, 
  data = prop99_did

# investigate the effect
coeftest(fit_did, vcov. = vcovHAC)

# Using Nevada as a control,
# the did causal effect is 5.68,
# with a HAC s.e. of 5.42
# so this effect is not significantly
# different from 0.


You have created causal effect estimates using a pre-post design and using a diff-in-diff design, and you have corrected the inferences using heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent standard errors. You have seen that the conclusions are very dependent on the choices made, for example about which period to consider and which control unit to choose.